Although my only physical visit to the US was one rather unpleasant transit through LAX, I’ve been slipping across the Atlantic for years. It’s happened as a result of the gradual and grudging acknowledgement that the US is a more lucrative market for SF than the UK. Not that ‘lucrative’ is a word much associated […]
Committing Trilogy
Well, I’ve known about this for a while now, and so far have resisted putting it about until all was signed and sealed, but I believe the truth is already out there. Here’s what my agent has to say on the matter: ‘Debut novelist Jaine Fenn signed a world rights deal with Jo Fletcher at […]
It’s always nice…
…to get paid, and yesterday I received payment for not one but two stories, one of which I sold without even submitting it (it was up on Adventure Books of Seattle’s free fiction webpage and they very kindly asked if they could have it for their new print ‘zine, Escape Velocity). The other was for […]
You may have noticed that, some time last week, my blog entries for the last six weeks disappeared. This is due to the website server getting trashed. Again. As did the back-ups. I’m not impressed.
That Drabble I Promised
Now that M. the Uber-Geek has fixed my editor, here’s that drabble containing Mr Lynch’s chosen words. I’m afraid it’s neither funny nor Art: Let God Decide Sylvia straightened, turned, and walked back towards the house. She should clean herself up before James returned. Her husband’s experiments had failed to uncover the nature of the […]
Green yet disloyal
I mainly intended this blog to be for writerly or SFnal matters, but following on from my last post, I feel the need for a small green rant. I’ve always tried to hang back from mankind’s headlong rush to trash the planet (the only one we’ve got, incidently). I’ve done this not out of masochism […]
Right Month, Right Season
Thank gawd it’s March. March means Spring. Usually. Last year, March was the coldest month of the year. This year, spring was already well underway before we reached the it. I don’t much like winter. Frosty mornings are pleasant enough, but generally I find winter to be cold and dark and lifeless, except when it […]
Losing Words, Finding Words
This week, I’ve been writing seriously short stories (as opposed to serious short stories). They’re for a competition, which I feel obliged to state is free-to-enter, because of the stigma some people attach to pay-to-enter competitions. Personally I’ve had a better ‘hit rate’ with winning competitions than I’ve had getting published in ‘zines. Anyway, this […]
Normal Service Resumed
Well, my website’s back. Obviously, because you’re reading this. It was out for five or six days and for most of that time my email was also shot. Despite my luddite tendancies, I rely on email a lot, and though I now have both website and email, I know of at least three emails lost […]
A Sale is Sighted
Any day now I hope to receive a contract from GUD magazine for my story ‘Fear Not Heaven’s Fire’. This will end a horrendous dry period of (gulp) two years without a pro (or even semi-pro) sale. Granted, for four months of that time I was off galavanting around the world, but the rest of […]