Despite not currently working very hard (finished by 7pm weekdays, and hardly writing at all over weekends), it’s been a constructive couple of weeks. As well as the excerpt of PRINCIPLES going up on Jay Tomio’s website (see below), the book continues to get largely positive reviews. It occurs to me that I should post […]
Free sample
If you’d like to read the first chapter of PRINCIPLES OF ANGELS, it’s currently up for free perusal on fantasybookspot. A quick poke around the site revealed many other treasures hidden therein. Meanwhile the local rag has run an article on me under the headline ‘Vote to have the politicians assassinated’. I’ll expect a visit […]
Saturday sign-a-thon
I’ve just got through signing 80 hardback copies of PRINCIPLES on my kitchen table. More experienced pros have warned me of the perils of RSI during long signing sessions, but I had my special pen, and took the job slow and steady. More of a problem was re-wrapping the books and getting them back in […]
It’s a fine line between order and avoidence
The original plan was to start writing GUARDIANS OF PARADISE as soon as my editor said she was happy with CONSORTS OF HEAVEN. Several reasons: firstly, CONSORTS is that tricky second novel and until I know whether it’s made the grade I feel uncomfortable moving on to another major project; secondly, I needed more envelope-scribbling […]
Future conventions
As part of my (so far remarkably successful) efforts to spend my publication advance from PRINCIPLES before I have the chance to get used to having money, I’ve registered for a couple of upcoming conventions. The first one is Newcon 4, held the second weekend in October in sunny Northampton. It’s a small convention, but […]
The greatest pleasure
I’m not entirely comfortable with shameless self-promotion. At the same time, I’m aware of the need to make sure I (well, Waterstone’s, Amazon etc.) sell as many copies as possible of PRINCIPLES OF ANGELS (I cringed slightly as I wrote that – even the standard convention of capitalising book titles seems rather vulgar to me). […]
Photos from the signing
M the Uber-Geek has put up a selection of photos he took at last Saturday’s signing here. Amazingly I only look like my mother in about half of them. As well as the usual selection of ‘woman signs book’ shots, there’s plenty of shots of the other attendees.
I’ve done a short interview for Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review, which you should be able to access from here. There’s also a review of ‘Principles of Angels’ up on his site.
Thanks to everyone who came to the signing yesterday – and apologies if I didn’t get a chance to talk to you. The day reminded me of my wedding: an amazing, unforgettable occasion at which I was almost too busy to have fun. And my house is now full of flowers.
Book signing this Saturday
Just a quick reminder that I’ll be signing copies of PRINCIPLES OF ANGELS this Saturday at the ‘Little Green Dragon’ bookshop in Alton, Hampshire aka The event runs between 1pm and 2pm, but I should be hanging around in the marvellous ‘Bottega dei Sapori’ deli/cafe just down the road before and afterwards (assume there […]