I’ve now completed and returned the page proofs for the mass-market paperback of Principles of Angels. There weren’t many changes: really, given that the text had already been proofread by myself for the trade paperback (and presumably also by a professional proofreader), there shouldn’t have been any, but I suspect stuff will always get through. […]
Unreality not co-operating
I’ve come down from the garret because I’ve got to a tricky bit with Guardians of Paradise and I need to do something else for a while to let my head cool down. We’ve just reached the first meeting between two of the four viewpoint characters. I say meeting, but it’s actually a remote conversation […]
Subcontracting my brain
November been a crazy month, writing-wise. It’s left me somewhat out of sorts, and I could use a small favour. So there I was, all set to pump up my wordcount on the first draft of Guardians of Paradise by dint of NaNoWriMo (always a great motivator) when, one third of the way into the […]
Also available in green (soon)
The cover for Consorts of Heaven has been finalised, and M the Uber-Geek has done his stuff. The results can be viewed on the ‘Novels’ page of this very website. I also have a release date, which is 21 May 2009. While I was getting him to have a firtle I asked M to put […]
Another one gone
I’ve just found out that Aeon, the US short story e-zine, is folding. It was a quality publication, and it’ll be a shame to see it go. I must confess that I was guiltily relieved to find that that their last issue (due out in early 2009) will feature the short story they bought from […]
And more about me
I’ve done another interview, this time with attached bio and excerpt from Principles of Angels. It’s for Concept SciFi, who were a pleasure to work with, and you can read it here. I’ve also decided I need to get out more. A quick check of my diary shows that my social life for the last […]
More About Me
For those wot is interested, I’ve done another interview, this one for an Australian website called The Specusphere There’s also a review of Principles of Angels up there. Not sure how long the interview will be on the site as it went up on November 1st (I’d sort of assumed they’d tell me when they […]
Whatever happened to Saturday night?
It’s been a week of much wordage. I would be way ahead of my NaNoWriMo word-count by now, had I not been ambushed by a back-story. Late Sunday evening I realised that around about Tuesday a new character would be making an appearance in Guardians of Paradise who could, if I didn’t put in the […]
Getting on with it
I’m doing National Novel Writing Month again. I did it 2 years ago (successfully), in the pre-publication days when I needed something to make me write. The result of that little splurge, Epiphany Night remains unsold, but I have hopes for it coming out some day. Though I’m currently lucky enough to be writing for […]
Restoring my faith in humanity
I love Freecycle. Over the last few years we’ve used it to give away a number of items that were of no further use to us, but might be useful to someone else. This week, for the first time, I had cause to ask for something. Specifically, for a means to warm my garret until […]