Compliments of the season

I’m taking a week or so off – except for the scribbling of notes, which just happens by itself – so there probably won’t be much activity here before the new year. I will check for comments when I get the chance. If this blog allowed me to post festive pictures, I would. It doesn’t, […]

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Flat is a four letter word

I’ve recently been thinking about the books I’ve read this year, with a view to writing short reviews for the BSFA. My memory isn’t what it once was, and I don’t always remember much about certain books – hence registering for LibraryThing and GoodReads. When I started to think about why this might be I […]

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How not to be a writer (part 3: you are not the story)

The final element that held up my writing career was critiquing – or rather the lack of it. I didn’t receive any useful critiques until I was in my thirties. If I’d found an experienced writer willing to give honest feedback – as opposed to the occasional long-suffering friend who’d usually say the story was […]

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How not to be a writer (part 2: you mean I have to learn?)

It seems obvious, but if you want to write and get paid for it, you need to learn the craft. Sadly, in my youthful ignorance and arrogance, I assumed that enthusiasm and natural aptitude would suffice. (It’s a position I could probably have justified more easily if I had practised more, but I already ‘fessed […]

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How not to be a writer (part 1)

The copy-edits of Guardians of Paradise are now back with my editor and first draft has commenced on Bringer of Light. Thinking about how I start novels got me thinking about how I came to write them for a living. Or rather, why it took me so long to become a professional writer. That put […]

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Parish notices

Thanks all for the suggestions for a new name and masthead; people kept coming up with more which made the decision harder but I think I’m going to go for ‘Tales from the Garret’, though I’m going to see if I can’t also use cDave’s suggestion based on one of my earlier posts of ‘Only […]

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1 to 500 scale

Thank you to those who’ve emailed thoughts about the name change. More observant readers will notice I’ve done sod all about it yet. I’m still thinking, OK? On the matter of comments I plan to open posts up where I have something to say that people might fancy discussing, as opposed to just announcements and […]

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Vote early, vote often

The changes to this blog won’t be drastic, as I’m lazy and I don’t want to abuse the services of M the Uber-geek, given I only pay him peanuts parsnips. However, it does need a new name and masthead. Really, as a writer I should be able to come up with something better than ‘Jaine […]

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Ideal birthday gifts … or, The Thought-Cat Lives!

My birthday isn’t until tomorrow, and the two virtual causes for joy below arrived over the last week or so, but I couldn’t have asked for better presents than: One – getting my first invitation to be a Guest of Honour at a convention. The con in question is Picocon, to be held at Imperial […]

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On being edited

As I discovered when I went pro, handing in a completed book is just the start; as well as the background activities you’ll never see except by their results (marketing, cover design, typesetting etc), there are three main tasks that require further author input. The first is the structural edit. This is where the editor […]

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