Actually you’ll continue to get rather less than that from me, as although the massive five chapter long, multiple viewpoint conflict is finally over in the first draft of Bringer of Light, there’s still a couple of chapters’ worth of resolution. Given I’m still working on the first draft, it seems a little surreal to […]
Brum SF
The Birmingham SF Group, an esteemed science fiction society which is nearly as old as I am, have kindly invited me along as their guest in September. I’ll be doing an interview and a reading from Guardians of Paradise on Friday the 10th of September, at the Briar Rose Hotel, Bennetts Hill. The doors open […]
Another Thursday, another Book Birthday
Today isn’t really a full book birthday, but it is the day Consorts of Heaven comes out in paperback. The paperback has a new cover, very similar to the old one except with (I think) better colouring and a nicer font for my name. (In contrast to my last imported image this one is tiny […]
Other people’s series
Although the climax of Bringer of Light might be exciting for the characters, it’s turning into a bit of a death-march for the author. Between writing it and doing a temporary but full-time day-job I’ve not got a lot of brain left. However, I am one of those writers who is lucky enough to be […]
In lieu of meaningful content …
… I bring you the not-news that my next book title is also the name of a Guild in World of Warcraft. I haven’t checked, but with a name like ‘Guardians of Paradise’ I’m guessing we’re looking at light ‘n’ lawful types. Also from the virtual pages of google alerts, a hit for ‘Principles of […]
Finding out how it ends
Having gone on (at some length) about the writing process, I’m now at the stage of Bringer of Light where I’m abandoning some of those organisational crutches. The questions in the ‘questions’ file have all been answered (or deferred until the next book…). It’s been weeks since I’ve looked at the ‘character’ or ‘reference’ files, […]
Spot the Difference
I’m proud to unveil (well, insert) the final version of the cover for ‘Guardians of Paradise’: Observant (or particularly sad) readers may notice the addition of certain vowels. I liked the cover before: now I love it.
Not God: more like your mother
Writers are, of course, megalomaniacs. We toy with our characters’ fates in a cruel and capricious way. Bwa-ha-ha and all that. Yeah, right. I’ve now reached the point in Bringer of Light where all my plot threads tie up and head for the denouement. It took a while and one of the strands ended too […]
It’s not an excuse if it’s true
The original plan was to be reaching the end of the first draft of Bringer of Light about now. That would leave me a month or so of ‘fallow time’ during which I’d revisit some short stories (and have a social life), ready to embark on the double cycle of rewrites (aka ‘rinse and repeat’) […]
Dates, get yer lovely dates ‘ere
The release date of the paperback of Consorts of Heaven has been delayed and will now be 29th July. This puts it only 10 weeks before the hardback and trade paperback of Guardians of Paradise hits the shops, on 16th September. To allow for last-minute slippage and to co-ordinate with the local literary festival, the […]