Downbelow Station

Following on from my piece for the SFX Book Club on Mary Gentle’s Golden Witchbreed recently, the UK’s favorite genre ‘zine asked me to pick another book, and I chose CJ Cherryh’s Downbelow Station. This time I’ve even remembered to let people know in time to read the book and comment on the SFX website. […]

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Book Review – Burn Bright by Marianne de Pierres

Marianne de Pierres is an underrated writer, especially outside her native Australia. Given I’m currently reading a lot of Young Adult SF (that being what I’ve been writing), when I got the chance to read an advance copy of her new YA novel, Burn Bright, I jumped at it. The book did not disappoint. It […]

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SF Writers’ Weekend

Another date for my diary (and possibly for yours) is the residential writing weekend being organised by Alex Davis up in the scenic Dove Valley in Derbyshire on the 10th to 12th of May. Lovely location and excellent value. I’ll be giving a short workshop and doing a Q&A session on the Saturday.

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Stop Press

I’ve just confirmed that I will be appearing at Nine Worlds Geekfest on the 10th and 11th of August. This looks like a great event, run by and for SFF fans and with something for everyone. And they’re currently running a kickstarter project which lets early supporters get cheap tickets. In other and unrelated news, […]

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Future Engagements

It’s the time of year when, in this household at least, diaries, virtual and paper, are pored over and arrangements finalised. One result of this is that I can confirm my attendance at the following two events: Picocon, 16th and 17th February, Imperial College, London. On Saturday the 16th at 2.30pm I’ll be appearing on […]

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Dark Suns, drafted

I’ve finished the first draft of the novel of Dark Suns, the YA space mystery which I’ve been describing as ‘Lord of the Flies meets Silent Running meets The Midwich Cuckoos‘. Right now, I don’t believe it lives up to those comparisons; in fact, I hate it. This is quite normal, and I’ve said it […]

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Me and SFX

For those who’ve not have seen it, the new SFX (issue 231) includes a nice review of Queen of Nowhere; it also features my piece for the SFX Book Club, for which I chose Mary Gentle’s Golden Witchbreed. Meanwhile, Downside Girls got a favorable mention in this Saturday’s Guardian. All good stuff.

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Queen of Nowhere – the beginning…

With Queen of Nowhere coming out a week today, I thought I’d put the first scene up here, to give you a flavour. Enjoy. ————————————- After three weeks of luxurious indolence, Bez was ready to become someone else. She had, however, intended to make the change on her own terms. Not like this. The cops […]

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