In my current less-than-focused state, I’ve given in to the urge to join an online book indulgence community (I’m sure that’s not how they bill themselves, but that’s how I think of ’em). In fact, as I wasn’t sure which one to go for, I joined two: LibraryThing and Goodreads. Tempted though I am to pass time better spent writing wallowing in other people’s books, I’ve been fairly restrained so far, and probably will continue to let myself play at virtual libraries only occasionally, as a treat. However, if anyone reading this also hangs out on these sites please feel free to friend me/send a message/(insert appropriate social networking term here) should the urge take you.
I was hoping to announce that a short story of mine would be coming to a newsagents near you soon (well, if you live in the UK near a branch of WH Smiths, anyway). Deathray magazine had kindly offered to run a story of mine called ‘Sometimes, They Really Are’, which is an unpublished prequel to/character study for Guardians of Paradise. Unfortunately it was announced yesterday that the magazine is folding, and the current issue is the last. This is annoying for me but considerably more annoying for the readers of, and staff at, Deathray, to whom I raise a glass in commiseration.
Finally, some good news, which I’ve been bragging about shamelessly elsewhere all week: Consorts of Heaven got reviewed in last Saturday’s Telegraph (not sure how long the article will be up for and you’ll need to page to the bottom to find me).
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